Latest news
Put the kettle on and browse our latest exploits, client wins and work delivered in this, our summary of latest news from the Boyd-Thorpe Associates team.
The Foodservice consultants at Boyd-Thorpe Associates are celebrating this month; having retained the concession advisory contract at The Royal Parks following a recent retender of the service. (more...)
BTA have completed the strategic review of the public catering services at London Zoo which will inform the design brief for the redevelopment of the catering facilities on the site.... (more...)
2012 looks set to be as busy as 2011 with several existing clients moving to the next stage of projects and a few new clients added to our portfolio. See what we will be up to in the coming months... (more...)
There is nothing better than seeing your vision for a cafe or restaurant, which to date has only been outlined on paper, materialise on opening day with real people delivering fantastic food to bona fide customers... (more...)